Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Were almost half way and things are going great.  We worked hard at Urban Family Ministries and helped them catch up on a summer's worth of gardening and cleaning in a few short hours.  This morning we served at an Urban Farm planting lettuce and harvesting onions.  Please pray for us tonight as we serve watermelon to the neighborhood where we are staying.  We met a lot of friendly people yesterday but we're afraid they won't come out if it's raining.  Were praying that the rain goes away.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grand Rapids Trip Underway!

It's been so exciting to see how hard our students are working! What a great start of the day. This morning we spent some time learning about Urban Family the ministry they have downtown. The students were able to meet and have a time of devotionals with Alf, the executive director of urban family. Students are continuing to work and will be getting ready for an outreach in the community tonight.
Our fifth and sixth graders are on their way to serve at Urban Family Ministries today. They will be doing a prayer walk at Take Hold Church downtown a bit later. Keep them in your prayers as they seek to share Christ's love right here in our own community.

Our team is ready to go!

A moment of prayer before they set off.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Some Pictures From Thursday

Just a quick update to share a couple pics from our cookout in the Portland neighborhood tonight... Along with some to fulfill a special request.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mid-day Update

The revolutionary crew has an update for y'all. We are hanging with kids at the Salvation Army where we are also having our cookout tonight.

It's Thursday!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments. We've been leaving them in the kids' "Derby Deliveries" bags, apparently the public mushiness was more than they can handle. ;) but I know they love hearing from you.

Today is our last day serving. Pray we finish strong and do not let our fatigue cause discord in our crews. Pray that our time at tonight's community cookout is a wonderful time of connecting with others in Louisville and that we continue to have servant's hearts.

Hopefully we will have more pics and stories this evening.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When We Aren't Serving...

We are bonding as a team and enjoying each other's company! Here's some funny photos from our pre-dinner free time.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

One last note...

We read the kids your comments tonight at church group time & they loved hearing from you. Keep the comments coming, the mushier the better.

Tuesday Evening Update

Spirits are high but the bodies are getting a bit tired. The weather has continued to stay dry and hot, thank you for praying! Everyone's service sites seem to be going well and we are excited to see God growing and stretching us all. This afternoon we got to tour the Louisville Slugger Museum as well, so we've shared some pictures from there as well.

And please know that those boys were singing while they cleaned - what a joy!

What Was Your Favorite Part of Today?

Kate says - going to the slugger museum and seeing how baseball bats are made.

Betty says - seeing the Lego museum and looking for Waldo in the stadium.

Ethan & Aidan say - playing with the kids. That was really fun.

Jared says - being able to bask in the friendship and fellowship of the elderly.

Emma says - making tacos and hanging out with old people.

Grace says - babysitting a cute little kid.

Keegan says - going to the Kling Center and playing wii bowling with Jim.

Casey says - the look on Level McClinton's face when we gave him te lawn mower.

Micah says - the flood of 2013 when our cooler spilled in the can - it was hilarious.

More stories to come....

More Monday Pictures

This gives you a little insight into what your kids are up to around "home." Each day a different crew is assigned to prep and clean up each meal. And at night we get to go out and learn about the Louisville community. Monday night we visited waterfront park - designed by the same person who designed Central Park in NYC. There was a splash pad to run through, a bridge that led you across the river to Indiana and plenty of grass for throwing a frisbee across. Everyone enjoyed a fun night alongside the Ohio River.

After working at our service sites today, we will be touring the Louisville Slugger museum. Another chance for students to bond while gaining insight into the local culture.

Thanks again for your prayers!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Evening Update

The first day of service projects has ended and we are just finishing up dinner. Kids have been across Louisville- some played with kids at Boys and Girls clubs, others played wii bowling at the local Senior Center, kids also mowed lawns and helped refugees begin again in America.

Below are some pictures from our first day, with more to come later tonight. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Prayer Request

We are just getting ready to start our day with devotions. Please pray for energy and good weather - especially this evening. Thanks!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

We have arrived in Louisville

The leaders and students are finishing orientation and getting ready for our first evening of "club." Everyone is in good spirits and bonding together as a team. It has been a great weekend thus far experiencing worship in a new church and digging into Genesis at the Creation Museum.

Thank you for your prayers and keep them coming! Tomorrow will be a big day for learning as we get used to our service sites. Pray that we will bond within our crews and be JesusWhere'd you all go?' hands and feet wherever we go.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Rubber Meets the Road

Praise God, we had an amazing experience as UNITED yesterday. We went to a very depressed area of Chicago and were able to share the love of Christ. God kept us safe and all of my logistical concerns were covered by YOUR  prayers--thank you!  These kids are amazing, they are going above and beyond and are maturing in powerful ways.

1. So I was praying that our students would be bold during the times that are set aside for witnessing, and they have been.  But yesterday when "witnessing time" was over the kids did not stop. When we left "the hood" and got back on the bus to come back to Moody they just kept on going. By the time we got back about another 15 people were either prayed for or witnessed to. I was blown away.

2. Last night several kids were talking about how to bring this back to Grand Rapids!!!! 

3. Another student led a person to Christ!

Even with all of these things accomplished on the trip, the most intimidating task is left for today. Each student will be writing letters to loved ones back at home.  How is this more intimidating than witnessing in the hood?  Because these are people we see and love in our everyday lives, and that makes it feel like there is that much more to lose. 

Please pray between 1:30 - 5:00pm Central time

1. That students would be bold and brave.

2. That the students would be filled with compassion.

3. Pray that the students will view the lost with the eyes and heart of Jesus. 

4. Pray that the hearts of those receiving the letters will be softened.

5. Pray earnestly that many people would come to faith by these letters.

6. Tonight were are going out to dinner as a youth group, pray that we have a blast!!!

7. Pray for David Alcook, as he was attacked by a very mean bug in his sleep. He has bites all over his body, pray for relief.

8. Pray for me (Pastor Aaron) as last night I kind of hit a wall in regards to energy. Also I am still feeling kind of sick, so please pray for me. Last night I felt like I wanted to be an introvert, pray that The Lord would anoint me with a fresh wave of the Spirit so that I can pour out what I have in me to these students. 

Here is a pic from yesterday's trip.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hope for the Hood

Today is an exciting day, after 2 days of being out with people mostly from other churches we now get the chance to go out into the community as UNITED!!!! The little piece of Muskegon inside of me jumped for joy when I found out where we are going (I understand that that might make you nervous :-). We are going out to serve at a local church call New Hope Bible Church. They have an event called hope for the hood, and we get to go into the neighbor hoods evangelizing and inviting the local residents to this Bible believing Church. Just to calm your hearts, this is not a terrible neighborhood, but it is low income and our group will get the experience to feel what is is like to be the minority.

Please pray:

1. For safety: (pardon my wizard of oz reference) I will let the kids know "we're not in Forest Hills anymore"

2. Logistics: this is big because I am in charge of getting 84 people to the same place via bus.

3. Boldness: Most of our students have not had a ton of experience with people of different race and socio-economic status. Today they will, pray that they will be bold.

4. Compassion: When Jesus looked on the crowds he had compassion. This is what we need our students to experience, pray that they will be full of compassion.

5. Thanks to everyone who has continued to lift me (pastor Aaron) up in prayer. I can literally feel it. and I am so thankful. Last night Jake Boerman stood up and explained to the kids how blessed we are to be from Calvary, it was emotional and powerful for all who heard. I just want to express what a privilege it is to be a part of Calvary, when I tell other you pastors about our church and parents I almost feel guilty because of the love support and generosity you offer us. Thank you! I am blessed to call many of you friends and I love you, and you kids.

Pastor Aaron 

Fire Fall Down

Andrew Boluyt and I have been teaching the kids a new song this week it is called Fire Fall Down. The song is a cry out to God to send down His Holy Spirit and to fill us anew. I am glad to tell you all that God has answered our cry, students are engaging with the Holy Spirit in new and powerful ways.

Here are a few highlights of God's working in and trough us from yesterday:

1. We are praising God that to members of our team were able to lead someone one to The Lord!!!!!!! 

2. Nearly every student who was timid on Tuesday was bold and shared their faith with someone on Wednesday.

3. One girl was able to pray for 7 different people in a span of 2 hours at Grant Park.

4. I have been praying that God would bring the boys closer together (the girls are already there for the most part). He has answered in a mighty way, last night all the boys were up past curfew (with my permission of course) just hanging out and loving one another. This is a huge breakthrough!!!!!

5. The best way for me to sum up what is happening is this... It took 1 1/2 hours to get through the testimonies and praises of the students last night (with some songs mixed in)

Thanks for all the support, we love you and your kids.

Pastor Aaron

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

God is here

Yesterday was an incredible day, the stories of God's mighty hand at work are to numerous for this blog. Here are so e highlights...

1. Praise God one of our people was able to lead a young woman to faith yesterday. The story is amazing, the young woman was being "hit on" by an older man and one of our guys was able to step in and turn an uncomfortable situation into an opportunity to show God's grace. Please pray for this young woman (her name escapes me).

2. Nearly everyone of our students shared the gospel with someone.

3. I was blown away when I watched one of the boys from my group share his faith on the L train. You could see the love of Jesus pouring out of him, and I could see that the woman (a Ukrainian immigrant in he late 50's) was genuinely moved by his compassion for her. He then finished the conversation by praying for her out loud on the busy train!!!!!

4. Probably 30 or more students had the opportunity to pray with a person yesterday. One of the things that we do is we ask people if we can pray for them. This is an incredible seed planting action!!!

5. Last night during our UNITED time (we get a 1/2 hrs. to meet with just our church) God showed up in a powerful way. In between songs students and leaders could share scripture and testimony. By the end of our time there were very few dry eyes. This time was so powerful that some students were brave enough to stand and challenge their peers, and some even publicly confessed their sins. I was amazed!

Please continue to lift us up in prayer:

1. Pray that we would be bold and brave.

2. I have been teaching the students what it means to be "filled with the Holy Spirit) so please pray that they will experience the filling of the Holy Spirit in ways that are beyond their expectations. 

3. Pray unity, and that relationships between students and leaders will continue to grow.

And of course here are some pictures!!!!

Coughing & Rain Clouds

A few quick Prayer request:

1. Please pray for me (Pastor Aaron) I am sick. I have come down with a really bad cold, and I am in danger of losing my voice. I believe that spiritual warfare has something to do with this sickness. I am not out of commission by any means but I am sore and weak. Please pray that I will recover quickly and that I will recover my voice.
2. It is a rainy day here in Chicago, and the SEMP leaders are worried that we may not be able to go out witnessing on the streets. Please pray that the rain will pass and that we will be able to go out in the city.