Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fire Fall Down

Andrew Boluyt and I have been teaching the kids a new song this week it is called Fire Fall Down. The song is a cry out to God to send down His Holy Spirit and to fill us anew. I am glad to tell you all that God has answered our cry, students are engaging with the Holy Spirit in new and powerful ways.

Here are a few highlights of God's working in and trough us from yesterday:

1. We are praising God that to members of our team were able to lead someone one to The Lord!!!!!!! 

2. Nearly every student who was timid on Tuesday was bold and shared their faith with someone on Wednesday.

3. One girl was able to pray for 7 different people in a span of 2 hours at Grant Park.

4. I have been praying that God would bring the boys closer together (the girls are already there for the most part). He has answered in a mighty way, last night all the boys were up past curfew (with my permission of course) just hanging out and loving one another. This is a huge breakthrough!!!!!

5. The best way for me to sum up what is happening is this... It took 1 1/2 hours to get through the testimonies and praises of the students last night (with some songs mixed in)

Thanks for all the support, we love you and your kids.

Pastor Aaron


  1. awesome, awesome, awesome is our God!!!
    Thank you Jesus for all of these incredible students who love you so much and want to share you with Chicago!
    Please continue to keep them bold and united!!!
    Luke 4:43
    "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of Heaven to other towns also because that is why I was sent"

  2. WOW!! PTL and the work of the Holy Spirit. I'm so proud to hear what the future leaders of Calvary Church are experiencing. This is amazing and I can't wait to hear what they have to share when they arrive back home. Stay safe and don't stop loving people.

  3. Praying over the letters that were mailed. Praying for open hearts and for future conversations that will occur. Hope that you are enjoying you day together as the group debriefs and continues to bond together.

    Lifting up the leaders as you finish up the last two days and lifting up your families, who are missing you at home!

    Hope you are having a great time, Brandon!
