Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ready or Not

In about 3 hours we are going out to share the gospel on the streets. Please keep us in your prayers.

Pray that:
1. We would be safe
2. That there would not be any logistical errors, or peoplegetting separated
3. That the peace of God will comfort those of us who are nervous including me ;-) 
4. That the students would learn to rely on the Holy Spirit
5. That through this challenge UNITED would grow closer together as a group
6. That we would be bold
7. That we would be salt and light in the city

Thanks for all you do!!!!


  1. Most gracious heavenly Father, you can accomplish all you want to do without us, yet you have determined in your wisdom, grace, and mercy to have us be your ears, your eyes, your mouth, your hands and your feet. And then you allow us to share in the blessing of your work... this is grace upon grace. Lord, I ask that today you allow these students to see even a glimpse of your infinite and perfect love as they seek to talk to others about you today.

  2. Thank you for these posts! I love to see and hear how the group is doing! I will continue to pray for the requests you shared with faith and excitement for what the Lord is doing! A friend shared these verses with me this morning...I pass them on to you in prayer...He has come to "rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to ENABLE US TO SERVE HIM WITHOUT FEAR in holiness and righteousness before Him all of our days...to give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercies of our God...to shine on those living in darkness...to guide our feet into the path of peace." (Luke 1:74-79) Praying that each individual on this trip will "grow and become strong in spirit"!! (Luke 1:80)

  3. As I have prayed over our group the last few weeks, God has brought me a verse. That verse is Mark 10: 27 Jesus looked at them ans said "with man this is impossible,but not with God,;all things are possible with God."

    As you prepare to reach out to the city of Chicago and you struggle with fear, just remember God can do the impossible. Praying over you specifically during the hours of 1:30-5:00 CT.

  4. We are praying that the Holy Spirit is guiding and directing your paths today as you are ministering on the streets for the first time. There is GREAT joy when you have an AWESOME gift to share. Alyssa B., we hope this experience is powerful and gives you "goose bumps"! We love and miss you. Mom and Dad

  5. I hope all of you had an amazing first day of witnessing!
    Praying for a wonderful time for the rest of your week!!!

  6. Praying continually for you all to be fully wrapped in His protective armor, rested and ready to share the hope of salvation to those God has already arranged for you to meet. He is able and you are willing...it's a win-win! Cannot wait to hear how He showed up and used you all in incredible ways. This is EXCITING stuff! A posse of disciples!!

  7. It has been very nice to hear how things are going. The Lord has really blessed you all to have hearts for those on the street's who really need to know the Lord. I continue to pray for safety and wisdom as you spread the good news to these people in Chicago. God bless you all.

  8. It's been awesome to see the updates, especially since I wish I could have gone! I've been praying for you guys and will be praying all week. I pray that you will be kept safe, have boldness, and that through you God will transform lives! Miss you and love you!
