Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Were almost half way and things are going great.  We worked hard at Urban Family Ministries and helped them catch up on a summer's worth of gardening and cleaning in a few short hours.  This morning we served at an Urban Farm planting lettuce and harvesting onions.  Please pray for us tonight as we serve watermelon to the neighborhood where we are staying.  We met a lot of friendly people yesterday but we're afraid they won't come out if it's raining.  Were praying that the rain goes away.


  1. I will pray that the rain goes away and you can be shining lights of Jesus Tonight!

  2. Praying for nice weather today and tomorrow. Go Team!

  3. Praying for all of you! Praise God the rain stopped! Hoping you have a great night meeting people, praying with people and showing the love of Christ to them. Kelton have a great night! Cannot wait to hear all about how God is working in your heart! You Rock! Keep us the great work everyone! blessings!!!!
