Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Slushee break

The kids worked incredibly hard today! We left the worksite at 3p. And bought everyone slushees


  1. Jacob it looks like you having fun and working hard! I know you know I was freaking out when I saw you under that mobile home!! :) Wish we were with you!!! It looks like you may be handier than daddy! You can build our shed at the cottage! Can't wait for you to tell us EVERYTHING! ha! ha! Momma

    Hi Jacob!! It's Dad. We can't wait to hear about all of the great adventures you're having and the impact this is having on your journey to become a missionary in Africa. A couple of updates...your suit came in and my phone is working now so I don't have to keep texting all of your friends on your phone. Also, Scooby saw the picture of you under the trailer and he thought it looked like a great place to take a nap :)

    Hi Jacob its Alexis and I hope you are having fun on your mission trip! You look like you are having a great time! I miss you and will be praying for you. See you when I am all healed!

  2. Hi Mahree! Love the pics! Miss you! So does your zoo!
    Love you, Mom

  3. Hi Mahree! Love the pics! Miss you! So does your zoo!
    Love you, Mom

  4. Hi Mahree! Love the pics! Miss you! So does your zoo!
    Love you, Mom

  5. Hey Kelton! Looks like LOTS of fun in being had there. It is beautiful there and I am sure you are enjoying the mountain view and appreciating God's great creation. Never a bad day for a slushee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praying for you to have another great day of working hard for the Lord, growing your love and trust in Him and enjoying all of your friends and having fun! We love you Kelton....home is not the same without you but we know that you belong to the Lord and you are right where He wants you this week! love you soooo much! mom

  6. Hi Pip! Love your see your happy smiling face as you serve the Lord! Have a great day! We love you! xoxox Mrs. Mebert
