Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Another great day of work and a well deserved ice cream break.


  1. Hey Jacob! So great to see you!!! :) We just miss you terribly and talk about you throughout every day. The kids and I are praying for you and your group every day as well! The twins first had your room and now Alexis has taken it over!! It's going to be hard to give your bed back to you!! Tonight we are heading to the Whitecaps game for daddy's work event. Everyone will be asking where you are!! Big hugs to you buddy!!! :)
    We all love you lots and lots!! Momma & Dad, Alexis, Jonah, Marlina, and Gabriella

  2. Yeaaaa! Another picture with Pip! It's been so hard going to bed without whispering with you first! Kelto, I got to play disc golf with your bro today! He is SO much better than I am! Hahaha! Praying for both of you often!
    I love you guys!

  3. Cant go wrong with ice-cream on a hot day!!! I missed you when I was shoveling terds, and itching with goat hair today!
    Luv, and miss you KELTON!
    P.S. ( You too Pippy!)

  4. Hugs from home. Fresh blueberries waiting when you return thanks to mom. Praying all of you to persevere and finish well. Love Dad,Mom,Ryan

  5. Pippy!
    You will not believe this but I've stayed up pretty late every night that you have been gone! And right now (it's 10:53pm) I'm have "a snack". You better come back soon before I start putting lemon juice and mustard on my sandwiches and sleeping in till 10:00am!
    Love you bunches!

  6. Pippy,
    It's just not the same without you here, but I know you are where God wants you to be. Praying for you continually. Emma is taking your place as our late night snacker. 😏 can't wait to have you home. Love youa million billion!!!!! - Mama

  7. Hello Seth and Seth's friends! Good to see you hard at work eating that ice cream!! ;) We are praying for you all each day and enjoy seeing the pictures of the work you are doing there. We will continue to pray for you through the rest of the week!
