Monday, June 22, 2015

Safe and sound

We had a really nice drive down to Moody Bible Institute, thanks for your prayers! The Lord also blessed us by allowing most of the severe weather to miss us.

Please pray for us today; pray for...

1. Team unity and bonding (This seems to going very well)
2. Pray for our continued safety 
3. Pray that our teaching sessions are fruitful, and inspiring.
4. Pray for the leaders, that we will be abel to lead well and continue to build deeper relationships with the students.
5. Pray that the weather will be favorable for us this week.
6. Pray that we will see some people accept christ.
7. And of course pray that our students lives will be changed for the Glory of Christ!!!!

Sincerely your brother and fellow co-laborer in Christ 

1 comment:

  1. Amen to all of you for living and serving with reckless faith this week. God is going to do amazing works in and through each one of you this week in Chicago. Praising God for His provision and strength. Praying for all of you and will continue to pray the entire week. Praying for safety, strength, courage, good rest and stamina. God is always bigger!!!!!! love and blessings to all of you!!!!!
