Sunday, June 28, 2015

We are coming home!

As I write this our students are waiting for the bus to take us home. This trip has been amazing and GOD has moved in powerful ways. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have prayed for us, supported us, and loved us. I would encourage you to talk to a leader or a student about the trip and let them share what God did in our midst. We love you and thanks for the support.

Your brother in Christ AB

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Very rarely do I find myself speechless. However after this trip that is the only word I have to describe what has happened here. I have never seen or experienced the Holy Spirit in such a tangible way, and God has transformed the hearts of our students in ways that I could not have even hoped for or imagined. I literally can't describe in words what has hapened, but I can assure you that their are a group of people coming back to Calvary Church who are filled with the Holy Spirit and changed forever.  I don't want to leave you hanging, but the only real way to understand how God has touched us will be to sit down and talk with one of us. The students have been changed, the leaders have been changed, and I believe that UNITED will be changed. That only vaguely descibes what happened to US, as for the rest of Chicago, well lets just say that we have seen some people declare that "JESUS IS LORD."

Soli Deo Gloria

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A wild night (and a new preacher is born)

Last night was one of the most unique nights I have had in ministry. The Holy Spirit was moving in in power. We had several students make commitments to and and many were moved by the Holy Spirit to cry out for the salvation of their lost friends and amily.

Please keep praying for us, and keep praising too. 

P.S. Also, Parker has started his new career as a conference speaker.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

God is moving

God is moving in our group! We had some students take big steps of faith today, please keep us in your prayer.

1. Pray for us tomorrow as we go out into the city to share the Gospel.
2. Pray for the students are we are sure to face spiritual warfare.
3. Pray for more of the same! (Things are going great!)


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A great start!

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We had an excellent first day, and we are already seeing God move in the lives of our students. We had a wonderful time of worship last night and were truly blessed by the speaker. Of all of the youth events I have attended over the last several years our speaker here is the best one I have heard. I look forward to what God is going to do in the lives of our kids this week

Today were are going on a prayer walk. As we do this would you pray for us.

1. Pray that the team would be open, while they pray with one another.
2. Pray that the students would be lead to pray for people back home, where they can share the gospel. 

Thanks for your support

Monday, June 22, 2015

Safe and sound

We had a really nice drive down to Moody Bible Institute, thanks for your prayers! The Lord also blessed us by allowing most of the severe weather to miss us.

Please pray for us today; pray for...

1. Team unity and bonding (This seems to going very well)
2. Pray for our continued safety 
3. Pray that our teaching sessions are fruitful, and inspiring.
4. Pray for the leaders, that we will be abel to lead well and continue to build deeper relationships with the students.
5. Pray that the weather will be favorable for us this week.
6. Pray that we will see some people accept christ.
7. And of course pray that our students lives will be changed for the Glory of Christ!!!!

Sincerely your brother and fellow co-laborer in Christ 

And They're Off!

Please be praying for the students and leaders as they travel to Chicago today. Thank you to all who spent time praying for our trip this morning. Your support is much appreciated.